Sunday, August 9, 2009

Comparing Europe...

Italy was the ultimate vacation. Rome was full of history and culture to fulfill educational needs. Florence was the true 'foreign country' experience, with it's merchants and bartering. Venice was everything a vacation should be. . .full of beauty, experience, and fun. Italy was a fantastic combination of city, country, and beach with the additions of good food, interesting culture, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

Paris was a city experience. It was fast paced, dirty, and smelly. It had better parts than others, where there could be an appearance of beauty, but it was mostly just the blur of a city. It was a good introdution to metropolis life, but it was not an experience that I would choose over other opportunities.

London was amazing. Purely and simply amazing. London carries the city-vibe as well, but small homey neighborhoods and the wide-open country are well within reach. London is full of entertainment, culture, and life. The culture is similar enough to home to feel comfortable, but different enough to create a learning experience. England was simply a dream come true.

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